Hot Air Regeneration

A more recent development, primarily as a control for highly complex solvent streams, is to use activated carbon adsorption for concentration of pollutants in the extracted air in the normal manner. However, the adsorption time is considerably longer (possibly days rather than hours) and treating lower and fluctuating concentrations. The desorbed high calorific value solvent stream is generated by flowing hot air through the carbon bed, with the higher concentration gas stream used to intermittently operate an oxidiser unit that can provide heat and/or power input to the rest of the factory.




Activated carbons designed for a diverse range of air and gas purification duties. Featuring granular, extruded pellet and powdered types; these products exhibit the high microporosity necessary to adsorb efficiently in the gaseous phase. Speciality types, for example acid washed versions, are available for demanding applications for safety and purity.

Ecosorb BX-Series and GX series, C-series, H-Series GAC And Extruded.


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