Company News

In October 2019, we held our CIS (Commonwealth Independent States), ME (Middle East) and Africa agent meeting in Cyprus. The meeting takes place every two years and brings together agents from several countries. The agents are able to meet one another, as well as meet with Jacobi management in person, and brush up on their product and application knowledge

There are several benefits of holding this meeting. They include: 

  • Updating our agents on where the company is and where the company is going 
  • Informing agents on the company’s core values  
  • Training our new agents on the basics of our products
  • Refreshing or informing our agents on existing and new applications, including cross selling
  • Giving agents the opportunity to speak about their own success and motivate each other 
  • Creating a family feel to the sales team by spending some leisure time with them 
  • Encouraging our agents to get to know Jacobi management and enabling Jacobi management to have time with each agent individually

Below is a run down of what happened at the last meeting and why it’s important to Jacobi, from Marc Brochenin, Middle East Branch Manager, who organised and ran the event along with Klaus Bartl. 

Who Attended?

Solely agents from Africa, the Middle East and Commonwealth Independent States countries. We had agents from Tanzania, India, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and Kenya to name just a few. 

What Did You Get Upto? 

The meeting combined informative talks and trips related to carbon with leisurely down time. The itinerary was designed to educate our agents on activated carbon and help to create a rapport between Jacobi management across services and resinex, and the agents too. The first day included several talks from Jacobi managers, from the basics of activated carbon to more specific information and advice on things like cross-selling between Jacobi products. We also visited a production plant, which gives our agents even deeper knowledge of our products. We spent some one on one time with each agent, allowing them to ask any questions they might have, before heading out as a team for dinner. On the second day, we followed up with further application talks and another leisure activity. 

What Were the Main Aims Of The Meeting? 

To improve product and application knowledge, which would then improve the confidence of the sales team in promoting our product back in their home country. We also wanted to work towards building up a family feel and sense of team spirit. 

Why Was the Meeting Important?

All of our agents and distributors are isolated in their home countries and in order to promote our products, it’s important they feel valued by Jacobi management. This type of event with both work and leisure time is the best way for us to do this.  I strongly believe that in our B2B business, where sales teams need to be proactive, it’s vital they feel a part of Jacobi so that they can promote Jacobi’s products.  

Check out some snaps from the event below:


At Jacobi, our relationships with our agents and resellers is of paramount importance. We work incredibly closely with them to ensure they have all the tools and knowledge they need to successfully sell Jacobi’s products on. With activated carbon being a highly technical product, specialist knowledge is essential and so it’s vital that we provide each of our agents with as much support as possible. These meetings are a crucial part of maintaining the relationship between Jacobi and our resellers. 

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