
As a company we are aware of the many hurdles women and girls face globally. We know that the activated carbon industry, and science and technology industries in general, are often male dominated fields traditionally and so we take every measure possible to ensure we are a welcoming and inclusive place to work for women.

This support and push for gender equality extends outside of the workplace too. We place a heavy emphasis on supporting the communities who live locally to our factories, particularly women and girls who are often not afforded a wide range of opportunities or life choices in these areas. We know that gender equality is beneficial for all and strive to implement initiatives that support the education of young girls and enable them to become independent adults.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we wanted to spotlight female employees who excel in our industry despite the previous lack of female representation.

In this blog you’ll meet Alexandra Rodriguez, who leads our Sales Support team in Premnitz, and Christy Cheah, our Sales Director in Asia.


Alexandra RodriguezAlexandra Rodriguez

Born in the former German Democratic Republic, Alexandra initially embarked on a career in the tourism industry which developed her communication and relationship-building skills. Having spent a few years in Spain, she moved back to Germany working in the paper industry and the rail technology sector before embarking on a career journey with Jacobi. Alexandra joined Jacobi in 2021 and was promoted to DACH Sales Support Team Leader in 2023.








Have you faced any gender related obstacles in this industry and how did you overcome them? 

Yes, especially in the railway sector there was almost only men. It’s changed now, with young students learning how to become engineers. With my role it was difficult at first to learn all the technical aspects, but once I showed them I could, I managed to change attitudes.

Approximately how many of your team are women? How do you empower and support them?

We are a team of three women including me. I feel the most important thing is to give motivation and always offer your help. Only as a team can we become stronger. Mutual consideration for work-life balance and children is important too.

Do you have advice for young women looking embark on a career in the activated carbon industry?

That’s hard to say as I don’t come from this industry – but I was willing to learn and I managed to do it, so that’s my only advice. It’s a very safe industry too.  

What do you hope the future holds for women in science and chemical related industries? 

That it will be easier for them to progress and be without prejudice.

Can you name another woman who inspires you? Why?

Aretha Franklin – I like her music and she fought for the American civil rights movement and women’s movement.

What are the positives of having women in the workforce for a company like Jacobi? 

Companies with a balanced composition of men and women in management are economically more successful and more attractive as employers. Secondly, gender diversity in the workplace means more access to different points of view. A woman may have a different perspective on a problem than a man. Gender diversity gives you different perspectives and more creative solutions.

Finally, it also improves employee retention. Women are more likely to leave a workplace if they feel disrespected and that their voice is not valued. Diversity usually goes hand in hand with a more open and respectful environment.



Christy CheahChristy Cheah

Christy has been working for Jacobi since 2016 when she joined as an Area Sales Manager. At this point, Christy’s focus was sales in Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia and this eventually extended to all of Southeast Asia and Oceania. In 2024, Christy was promoted to Sales Director in Asia.








Have you faced any gender related obstacles in this industry and how did you overcome them?

To be honest, I feel proud to be a woman and I don’t see any barrier for a saleswoman to perform well in our industry. Travelling is the MUST, so we should pre-plan our visits in advance in order to maintain balance between work-life and family.

How many of your team are women? How do you empower and support them?

I have total of five female team members out of 16. Gender equality and talent pool to ensure they have the same opportunities, rights and privileges in the organisation are essential.

What do you expect the future holds for women in science and chemical related industries?

In my opinion, the increased participation of woman in science and chemical industries will escalate the talent pool, contributing to its growth, innovation and sustainability.

Can you name another woman who inspires you? Why?

My mother. She is the one who has always supported and motivated me to achieve my goals. She taught me to see dreams and inspired me to achieve through the endeavours.

What are the positives of having women in the workforce for a company like Jacobi?

Women often are very organised and detail oriented. They have excellent problem-solving skills and are good at multitasking. These skills can lead to higher productivity levels and improved dynamics in the workforce.


If you’d like to read more about how we support women in the workplace, feel free to get in touch and our HR team will be happy to discuss our policies, operations and progress in encouraging equality and gender diversity across the company.



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