Gold Recovery


Gold Recovery

Gold recovery takes place in mines across the world. Like most other industries, gold extraction must strike the delicate balance between controlling operating costs and maximising the return on investment (whilst maintaining environmental responsibility too). Choosing the right activated carbon supplier is vital to this. Almost half of all adsorption-desorption-recovery plants worldwide use activated carbons from Jacobi. As well as supplying high quality products, we also offer unrivalled technical support helping our customers to understand how the carbon’s behaviour can affect recovery levels through audits, testing and on-site troubleshooting.
  • Rapid adsorption kinetics and enhanced pore structure
  • Maximum hardness and attrition resistance
  • Over 100 cycle regenerations possible with very low deterioration of adsorption with cycles performed
  • Excellent gold loading capabilities and very low soluble gold losses
  • Activated carbon is pre-prepared to ensure low dust content in the process
  • Suitable for silver rich ores
    Homogeneous particle size distribution to speed up gold recovery processes, pre-screening is not needed and prevents clogging or pegging of system screens, due to very low platelets content
  • Technical and process know-how assistance
  • Excellent adsorption performance on Au(CN)₂ and other precious metals
Carbon In Column


Carbon-in-column is mostly used to recover gold and silver from heap leach solutions which are often high in solids content. This method involves the gold cyanide solution flowing through a series of fluidised bed columns in an up-flow configuration.

Carbon In Pulp


With carbon-in-pulp, the ore is finely ground and the gold is solubilised using a cyanide leach in a series of tanks. Carbon is then added which adsorbs the gold. This method has a high gold recovery percentage.

Carbon In Leach


Carbon-in-leach combines leaching with the carbon-in-pulp process, creating a single unit process operation. Usually this method is chosen when native carbon (a high organics load) is present in the gold ore, adsorbing the leached gold and preventing its recovery.


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