Community Action
When Jacobi Carbons come to town, we can bring many things. Jobs, prosperity, and investment, for sure. These are almost a given, but it is the other things we do that really make a difference. Since we started to build our factories in Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam and the Philippines, our responsibility to our workers, their families and the wider community has been always in focus. All too often Western businesses can simply expolit what they find and put nothing back into the local way of life. Jacobi strives to be different. By working with local groups and charities we hope to make the places we live in, good places to be in.
Jacobi’s vision
Our Social and Ethical Policy clearly sets out our viewpoint. We do not exploit or treat people unfairly. We want our workers to be happy to come to work each day. By taking an interest in local affairs we pinpoint the most needy groups; whether these be the disabled, disadvantaged, or talented, and also just the average person in the street. So our schemes have ranged from donation of equipment to schools and hospitals, to regular community health checks and blood donation, and to the mundane sponsorship of covered bus stop shelters – important in a tropical climate. Everyone deserves something better, and with Jacobi, that ‘better’ can become a reality.
Jacobi in Action
Our work over the past few years has been compiled into a photo journal of activities centred around these contributions to health, welfare and wellbeing of our neighbours. This document shows how the management of Jacobi whole-heartedly support the initiatives of our factory managers, with regular visits to take part in the donation and celebration of the events. These events include family days where joint activities will all members of our wider family bind us together strongly as a team.
If you would like to take a look for yourself, either visit the link below, or request an electronic copy of the booklet form your local Jacobi sales office.
Look at Jacobi in a different way and you will find that we are more than just an activated carbon business.
Download today:
Jacobi – Working in the Community
Jacobi (Nova) Annual CSR Report