For whole house filtration or building water systems, Jacobi offers products for:
Jacobi offers AquaSorb™ grades for free chlorine and organic removal, and for the catalytic removal of chloramine. Most commonly composed of bituminous coal and coconut shell, these are available as water washed and acid washed grades as required for higher purity water applications. We maintain the strictest levels of quality control, to ensure product consistency. We also offer products from our Actitex range. Producers of POE systems can be assured that their activated carbon meets their clients’ needs in every system.
Specialised activated carbon product designed for a wide range of water treatment duties. Products in this range are compliant with international standards, including NSF, EN and AWWA. Moreover, they also meet the requirements of the Food Chemicals Codex. This ensures a high standard of performance in potable and process water applications.
A novel, high performance, microporous felt media which provides rapid diffusion and adsorption kinetics for a multitude of gas and water treatment applications.
Our AquaSorb™ range can be used together with ion exchange resins from our Resinex range for optimum results.
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